Letter To My Children: Keep Climbing

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.


I choose to write this to help you understand life from my perspective. When I say that I want you to understand, it does not in any way mean that I expect you nor do I even want you to live by it, but to simply understand it from the perspective of your mother.

Life is a journey and just as any journey we take, we choose whether we want it to be pleasant and happy as opposed to make it a miserable and exhausting one. You see, I don't believe in telling myself to pick up and face my journey with one eye closed, I would much rather be wide awake and know what each and every day brings. At some point in our lives, we find ourselves confused and unsure about our next move. Some people will look for hints in hope to catch a glimpse into the future. Others get hung up on every detail of their every move, so concerned that they could be making a tiny mistake.

When I choose to say it is a journey, it is because as anything we set out to do or any place we decide we want to visit, we tend to put all of our focus on the destination. We live each day focusing on what we will find when we reach our destination and somehow forget that it should never be about that. Instead, we should focus on the journey itself, the process and each experience we come across on our way. When we focus on the destination we miss the beauty that lies directly in front of our faces.

Throughout your journey you will come to many crossroads where you will find yourselves uncertain of which direction to take. While one way might seems to be the right one, at times you might be unsure of which way to turn. Whether it be decisions that will interpret your future in your career, your finances, your personal life, or with your family, always know that you should never fear failure because it is only when we fail that we learn best. Think about what you are passionate about and make sure to always follow your heart.

You will meet many people on your journey, some will truly matter and some will eventually fall through the cracks. Always hold the ones that matter dear to your heart, as good friends my child are hard to find and people who will love you when you are at your lowest are rare. It is them who will be there when the journey seems like a steep mountain to climb. Never let the loss of someone break you, instead learn from the experience and let the lesson resonate in future relationships.

The journey might seem hard at times, and at times you will feel as if you are on a sailboat enjoying the calm. This will certainly happen when you are lucky enough to experience love. When you cross roads with someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved, treasure it and make every effort to never let it go. Do not change for anyone! Do not allow anyone to force you to forget your true self! Love requires sacrifice and many times you will have to accept that you are wrong, but don't ever allow anyone to take away your self worth. Furthermore, always remember we can never be loved or love if we don't know how to love ourselves first.

Lastly, if you ever struggle to envision your life and what it will look like, then stop! You are a uniquely special person with so many gifts and qualities. Surround yourself with people who will constantly remind you of this, and moreover make sure to remind yourself of this. Always find ways to evolve and grow in every aspect of your life. Don't let things that matter become boring habits. Taking risks and making decisions that you are uncertain of might end up leading you the biggest success of your life. Don't ever allow the journey to become a race. Think about everything you are blessed with at this very moment, and remember that your life is pretty damn awesome!

With all my love,


My Happy New Year
