Self Worth

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Ever notice that there are days when you wake up feeling happy and good about yourself, and as a result you tend to have a successful day and somehow attract so much positivity into your life.

While some people call it the law of attraction and others call it focusing on the positive, it all boils down to one thing; YOUR SELF-WORTH!

One of the most important characteristics of a great leader is self-confidence. Every successful person, irrelevant of age or status looks stronger and more confident. How we perceive ourselves is one of the strongest driving factor towards success in every aspect of our lives.

​Self-Worth is about valuing who you truly are inherently and not about outside actions dictating how you feel about yourself. Comparing, evaluating and criticizing attacks our self-worth, what helps build and discover our inherent worth is compassion towards the self, integrity and challenging our negative beliefs by replacing them with ongoing positive talk.

Just like you work on every muscle in your body to keep them strong, your thoughts of yourself and the way you perceive yourself dictates a very large part of your 'self-worth muscle.'

What are some steps you can take to increase your self confidence?

  • Forgive past mistakes

  • Focus on positive attributes

  • Become a self-talker

  • Exhibit a good attitude

  • Love what you do

  • Always be on the search to acquire more knowledge

  • Exercise

  • Practice daily affirmations

  • Practice gratitude daily

  • Don't allow negative thoughts to last more than 90 seconds

  • Build on your qualities and talents

  • Learn to say "NO" when needed

  • Be kind to yourself

  • Set goals and always work towards achieving them

  • Surround yourself with positive people

Your self confidence is measured of how worthy you are. Don't look outward for affirmations. Set your own expectations and then do all you can to live up to those expectations You have it in you to be the person you can be proud of . Commit to it and become that person!

"It is not the mountains we conquer but ourselves"


Modern Day Motherhood


How to Stay Happy and Motivated